
On June 22nd, the theater group of the Fidias Foundation premiered the play “Unalover” at the Museum of Reproductions in Bilbao after many rehearsals and dedication.Synopsis: Valentina is a successful influencer who wants to express her firm conviction that love moves the world through her podcasts. When he discovers the reality of art looting throughout […]

Under my skin

A Fidias Foundation project in collaboration with the Bilbao Reproductions Museum “Under my skin” deals with the day-to-day life of the Fidias Foundation adolescent theater group. What role does each play in their social circles? How do you feel internally? What are their problems and concerns? This documentary project aims to weave a portrait of […]

Munduko 2023

On March 9 we celebrated the Munduko Day party together with Adsis, Sorginlore, Escuela de segundas oportunidades and the Basque development cooperation agency. Thanks to all the participants for the joy they have brought to this party. We will repeat again!

Under my skin

Fundación Fidias is proud to present the documentary project “Bajo mi piel” after several months of work. 🎬 Next premiere: Next Saturday, October 30 at the Museum of Reproductions in Bilbao. You are invited! “Under my skin” is a documentary project that deals with the day to day life of the adolescent theater group of […]

Christmas decoration workshop

Christmas decoration workshop with natural elements by vivomicasa, accessible interior design. Aimed at families and promoted by the initiative SolidaridUP of the NGO Zabalketa with the collaboration of the City of Leioa.

Información COVID-19

  Un saludo, queridas familias. Hemos comenzado el curso escolar 2020/2021 y queremos daros la bienvenida a todas y a todos. Arrancamos el curso con mucha energía, positividad y con la ilusión de que todo va a salir bien. Queremos transmitiros un mensaje de tranquilidad a todos/as vosotros/as: hemos adaptado nuestra forma de trabajar habitual […]

Fair Saturday

A performance of our youth theatre and dance who participated on November 30 thyshout on Fair Saturday, a global cultural movement with social impact that takes place every last Saturday in November. A group of young people with culture as a flag and with the dream of creating a better world. “Altars of Shame” Young […]